Katariin Mudist

Katariin Mudist

Katariin Mudist (1994) focuses her projects on how we preserve the past and the changes of materiality in time. She is interested in the ways in which humanity manifests itself in social practices. For example, her works shed light on the social position of the cleaner, question the origins of productivity ambition, map the diversity of people's beliefs, or raise questions about the relationship between physical work and its outcome. Her practice is characterised by unexpected and sometimes humorous perspectives on the familiar, a search for motifs that reflect humanity, and a multidisciplinary approach from animation to sculpture.  

From 2023 she started her studies at the Craft Studies Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts. In 2022, she graduated with a Master's degree from the Contemporary Art Department of the Estonian Academy of Arts and in 2018 she graduated from the Media and Advertising Design Department of the Tartu Higher Art School. In 2020-2021, she continued her studies at the KASK University in Ghent and in 2018-2019 at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest. Her most important solo exhibitions are "Presence of people absent" at the EKA Gallery (curated by Maria Helen Känd) and "To-Do or Not-to-Do" at the Monumental Gallery of Tartu Art House (curated by Mae Variksoo).

Resident in April 2023
Nationality: Estonia


Anima Opening exhibition


Aline Weyel