Mario Campos

Mario Campos


Collaboration work with Alba Martínez (visual artist working on ceramics part)


  • M3: Outer diameter of a screw thread.

  • Liquen: Organism resulting from the symbiosis of fungi with unicellular algae, which grows in humid places, spreading on rocks or tree bark in the form of flakes or gray, brown, yellow or reddish crusts.

The pieces presented below are the result of a dialogue between two craft techniques that, through a process playful, new ways of expression are found in contemporary jewelry. Ceramic awakens organic and unexpected textures, while assembly work provides control and precision. This values opposites find a subtle and dreamlike balance when they coexist.

Techniques used: Ceramics (modeling, shaping, glazing); Structure (welding, screw assembly, press fit assembly, adhesives, recycling, synthetic enameling); Carpentry in wood and plastic.

Resident in October 2022
Nationality: Spain


Printmaking Residency


Cyntia Ortu